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Aetna Critical Insurance

Secure your family in the event of an unexpected illness.

When the unexpected happens, we want you to focus on what matters most — your health. The Aetna Critical Illness Plan pays you cash benefits for a critical illness diagnosis, such as a heart attack or stroke. You can use the benefits to pay for medical expenses, such as your medical deductible, or for everyday expenses, such as food and childcare.

Plan Features:

    • Guaranteed Acceptance: There are no health questions or physical exams required.
    • Family Coverage: Coverage options are available for spouse and children.
    • Lump-Sum Payment: A lump sum payment is paid directly to the insured upon diagnosis of a covered condition,
    • Health Savings Account (HSA) compliant: Flexibility in how you want to use their health care dollars
    • Payroll Deduction: Premiums conveniently deducted from employee’s paycheck
    • Portable Coverage: Employees can take the policy with them if they change jobs or retire

.Whats Covered:

Diagnosis Aetna Coverage
Invasive Cancer 100%
Non-Invasive Cancer 25%
Heart Attack 100%
Stroke 100%
Major Organ Transplant/Failure 100%
Kidney Failure 100%
Multiple Sclerosis 100%
Benign Brain Tumor 100%
Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery 25%
Parkinson’s 100%
Alzheimer’s 100%
Skin Cancer 10%
Covid-19 100%
Hospital Stay Requirement 5 days
Wellness $75
Your Costs for $30,000 Employee Benefit—Weekly: 
Rates are not all inclusive of all carrier age bands. Spouse, Child(ren) and Family rates may vary


Uni-Tobacco – ISSUE AGE
Aetna Coverage Costs
25 $2.94
30 $4.11
35 $5.86
40 $8.18
45 $11.12
50 $15.03
55 $20.04
60 $26.49
65 $34.46
70+ $44.72
Uni-Tobacco – ATTAINED AGE Aetna Coverage Costs
25 $2.10
30 $2.81
35 $3.86
40 $5.50
45 $7.39
50 $10.83
55 $15.33
60 $22.44
65 $30.24
70+ $48.37

Contact Your Benefits Specialist today for more information and sign-up options during your open enrollment!

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