Juneteenth becomes an Official State Holiday
Starting January 1, 2024, Juneteenth—June 19 of each year—is included in the list of holidays that employers may not require employees to work, with exceptions. Additionally, if an employee works on the Juneteenth holiday, they must be paid at least time and a half for all hours worked.
Certain Agreements Unlawful as Condition of Employment
Effective June 22, 2023, employers can’t require their employees to sign any of the following types of agreements as a condition of employment:
- A nondisclosure agreement requiring alleged civil rights violations be kept confidential, secret, and undisclosed;
- A nondisparagement agreement about alleged civil rights violations or alleged unlawful conduct that would restrict an employee from negatively talking about their employer, including statements about the employer’s reputation, products, services, employees, and management; or
- An agreement with a nondisclosure or nondisparagement clause.
Any contract provision that violates these restrictions is void and unenforceable.
Pay Equity Expanded January 1, 2023
Wage Differences
Employers are prohibited from paying different rates to members of different protected classes for comparable work unless the difference is based on legitimate job-related factors. The protected classes are race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, age, and ancestry. Examples of legitimate factors include but aren’t limited to a merit system, geographic location, and work-related travel.
Employers can’t lower an employee’s wage or salary to eliminate unlawful pay differences.
Salary History Inquiry Ban
Employers aren’t able to seek an applicant’s salary or wage history. Even if wage information is volunteered, employers can’t use it to screen an applicant in or out of the running or to determine how much to offer them for the job. However, after extending an offer that includes compensation, employers can base an offer for more money on the applicant’s salary history if the applicant offers it without prompting and if the increased pay doesn’t result in an unlawful pay differential.
Pay Disclosure
Employers are required to provide applicants with the wage range for the position they’re applying for upon request. Employees are entitled to know the wage range for their position at the time of hire, upon request, and when they transfer into a new position.
Employers must display a pay equity rights poster in their workplaces.