Mandatory COVID Vaccinations Prohibited
Effective February 6, 2024, employers in Texas are prohibited from adopting or enforcing a mandate that requires employees or applicants for employment to be vaccinated against COVID-19 as a condition of employment. Additionally, employers can’t take adverse action against these individuals for refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
There is an exception for certain health care facilities and providers. Employers falling under this exception may establish a “reasonable policy” for employees who aren’t vaccinated against COVID-19 “based on the level of risk the individual presents to patients.”
Hairstyle Discrimination Prohibited
Effective September 1, 2023, Texas joined the growing list of states that prohibit discrimination based on hairstyle. The state’s employment discrimination law, which applies to employers with 15 or more employees, was expanded to prohibit discrimination on the basis of an employee’s hair texture or protective hairstyle commonly or historically associated with race. Protective hairstyles include braids, twists, and locks.
If you have safety concerns with certain hairstyles or lengths, consider how those can be addressed short of all-out restrictions. For example, employees with long hair may be able to tie it back or cover it during hazardous activities.
New Mandatory Workplace Notice
Effective September 1, 2023, all employers must conspicuously post a workplace notice in English and Spanish (as appropriate for the workforce) describing how to report instances of workplace violence or suspicious activity to the Texas Department of Public Safety. The state has been charged with creating a sample notice on or before March 1, 2024. Resourcing Edge will keep an eye out for the sample notice.