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New York | Paid Prenatal Leave

Beginning January 1, 2025, employers will be required to provide employees with up to 20 hours of paid prenatal leave during any 52-week period, which can be used for healthcare services needed for, or related to, the employee’s pregnancy (for example, examinations, medical procedures, and testing). Employers must allow employees to take paid prenatal leave in increments as small as one hour. Unused leave doesn’t need to be paid out upon termination. The law is silent on whether employers may require documentation to support an employee’s need for leave, so unless the state of New York provides more clarity on this point, it is not recommended to require it.

Action Items

  • Add a paid prenatal leave policy to your handbook by the law’s effective date.
  • Ensure that managers are aware of this new paid leave entitlement.

The New York State Department of Labor is anticipated to issue guidance on paid prenatal leave before its effective date. Resourcing Edge will continue to monitor the state for guidance on this new leave and will provide any developments.

HR Consulting Team, HR Services
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