Georgia Voting Leave Amended
Effective July 1, 2023, employees can take time off to vote on a day that is designated for advance in-person voting. Previously, voting leave was only allowed on the day when the primary or election was held. Additionally, the restriction that employees who work two hours after the opening or closing of polls don’t get time off to vote has been removed. Instead, employees have up to two hours to vote.
Action Items
Ensure that your policies have been updated accordingly.
Georgia Family Care Act Made Permanent Law
As of July 1, 2023, the sunset clause of Georgia’s Family Care Act (a.k.a. kin care law) has been repealed and it will be a permanent law requiring continued employer compliance. The law was set to end, without continuation or removal of the sunset clause, on July 1, 2023. The kin care law, applicable to employers with 25 or more employees, requires employers to allow employees to use their sick leave to care for an immediate family member.
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