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Introducing a New Benefit—Health Advocate

Introducing a New Benefit—Health Advocate

Success says that surviving and thriving in this dog-eat-dog world can be tough if you and your business are not properly equipped with the necessary benefits and services to do so. At Resourcing Edge, we understand that, and we are very pleased to share with you that...
Politics in the Workplace

Politics in the Workplace

In today’s world, it seems you cannot go anywhere without hearing people talking about politics, including in the workplace. Surveys show that since the 2016 general election: 87% of employees read political social media posts at work 80% said they have discussed...
“Hey, did you hear..?”

“Hey, did you hear..?”

“Hey, did you hear..?” – Four of the worst “non work-related” words you can hear as an employer in the workplace.  Gossip in the workplace can be a serious problem and expose a company to legal liability. Chances are, if you have worked in a company...

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